Resources for Poets, Writers, and Readers in Solidarity with Palestine

Lists of Publishers, Presses, Literary Magazines, and Writers in Solidarity with Palestine

Articles, Essays, Additional Collections

Get Connected:

  • WAWOG: (Writer’s Against the War on Gaza) Sign their statement of solidarity using this: google docs link.

  • Creators for Gaza: Connect with Palestinian families in Gaza as an artist and/or amplifier to boost survival funds.

  • Read literature and poetry by Palestinians. Listen to and amplify Palestinian voices.

  • MOST IMPORTANTLY: Provide material support via mutual aid. Consistency is key - get on a schedule of generous giving. This keeps people alive. For your consideration, 3 brilliant young writers:

Support 3 Young Writers:

Read Alia’s essay “War Education” published in Pompom lit and contribute to Alia’s campaign.

Read Maryam’s illustrated story and contribute to Maryam’s campaign.

Read Eman’s We Are Not Numbers essay and contribute to Eman’s campaign.